Konica Pop: Westminster Afternoon

After a yummi hot dog under the London Eye, on April 17th we also went to Westminster and Westminster Abbey. While my classmates and I attended a hearing in the House of Commons back in 2009, I've never been in Westminster Abbey. Once again, I missed the chance to visit it, but as this wasn't my last visit to London I don't really mind, I plan on doing it next time.

I've always loved Gothic architecture, and I think this shot quite conveys the dramatic feeling of a small, powerless human being in front of the majestic height of the House of the Lord, in front of the immense power of God.
I'm so fond of this little red marvel box [my Konica Pop], this was just my second roll, quite a test roll if you consider that I have got the first one developed only after shooting this one. I can't say I'm proud of myself, as the Red Beauty has no options at all: you set the ISO, press the shutter release button, pull the advance lever, shoot again. She did it all by herself, the tiny red bit!

...Looks like someone else's quite fond of their camera too! This is M next to Westminster Abbey's fence in Victoria Street. Once again, her shades made me snap a pcture of my reflection on their lenses. It's addictive, and it makes me feel miserable. So, once again, I'm the little figure holding a red camera reflected in M's shades lenses.

Coming up next: a quick photo-recap of my 21st birthday, aka the day I only shoot one single picture. Quite bizarre, I know.http://www.flickr.com/photos/sidseltilotte/6130329874/in/photostream

Sidsel T.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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