Konica Pop: Dinner with Friends

Sometimes some of my high school classmates and I meet for a pizza. We're just a few guys, well, mostly girls, but it's always fun.

Our last meet-up was on Saturday, April 23rd. We went to the usual cheap restaurant for a pizza and a soda, and then straight to our favourite ice-cream bar in town.

The atmosphere was so relaxed, we chatted a lot, and shared some interesting gossips about some other former classmates and stuff like that. Tabby mode: activate!

The only guy of the batch -he must have felt like some kind of a martyr that night!

The hardest part of the date: choosing the ice-cream flavour!

While our friends were trying to make up their minds, I. and I snapped a few pictures.

All pictures taken by me with my beloved Konica Pop on Fuji Sensia 200 cross-processed.

Sidsel T.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. oh, how i love these photographs. the colours are so beautiful! <3 if i may ask, where did you buy your Konica Pop from? it's really hard to find it! ): xxx

  2. Thank you, Tahsa, I've just left you a message on your blog :)

  3. ah i finally got it! (: hehehe thank you so so much for checking the prices for me! you are so kind. <3 and yes i'd most probably take your recommendation and try looking for it someplace else! i'm really very keen to get into film photography! thank you again for all the useful info, love! xxx

  4. I love how the pictures turned out! should consider investing in one too(: x

  5. thank you, Sue Lyn! You definitely should! :)

  6. ooh i must research this camera. i love the cross process of the film.

  7. Thank you for your comment, Diana, your blog is just perfect and it's a honor to have a comment of yours here! I'm sure you would take amazing pictures with a Konica Pop in your hands... good luck with your camera-hunt!
