Lomo LC-A+ "Russia Day": Time Well Spent

Late October. Waking up late, eating pasta on my bed while watching The Vampire Diaries, reading, drawing, watching some more tv and then going back to sleep.

Lomo LC-A+ Russia Day & Fuji Superia 800
Click on pictures to see them on Flickr or here to see them in my LomoHome.

Sidsel T.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. mmm. i have missed lazy days like this! the last photo is so lovely and haunting. xxx

  2. i loove lomoo, really nice pictures! :)

  3. these photos are sooo lovely, the one of the laptop and food is essentially my life in a photo x
