Konica Pop: The Same Old Fun With The Same Old Friends In The Same Old Pub
I took these during our first meet-up in ages, three weeks ago circa. I missed Bene&Hector, and I'm so glad that seeing each other is once again turning into somekind of a happy routine, like it used to be.
Yesterday, after Bene and I got back from the shortest seaside-time ever [barely 20 hours, I guess], we went out for dinner with Hector [which is not his real name, but we've been calling him that way since forever]. We spent the evening at the same old pub, the one we took these pictures at earlier this month.
We took loads of pictures with my Diana mini, that camera is such a cutie, the flash is even bigger than it is! I only shot in half format as the square format switch seemed to got stuck. I love the fact that I can shoot 72 pictures on a 36 roll, so I really don't mind.
At the seaside Bene and I snapped some pics with the Diana mini and the LC-A+ Russia Day as well. I decided not to bring the Fisheye or any multilensed camera along as I wanted to finish the rolls I had in these two cameras first, and also because I hate to pack heavy on photo-stuff. I still have both of these rolls half empty, I guess I'll shoot kind of randomly just to take them to the lab - you have no idea how much I love having new pictures to upload on here.
Konica Pop [the red one] + Lomography CN 400
[Photos #1,2,3 by me; #4 by Bene; #5 by Hector]
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