LC-A+ Russia Day: Ikea Lunch with Bene

 A few days after our "Seaside Rush", during the first days of October, Bene and I both had a spare afternoon, so we thought to go to Ikea and have lunch there. We did, only at 4pm. We ate their wonderfull meatballs "kottbullar" [let this girl dream] and treated ourselves with nutella crêpes. And took a couple of pictures, as I still had a couple of shots left in my Russia Day.

This picture here was supposed to be the first picture and the preview of my latest article for Lomography, a review of Fuji Superia 1600, but as it was published earlier today I found the picture was changed. I was a bit pissed about it at first, but I like the picture the editor chose as well [I'm gonna feature it in some next post].

Now I'm off to some heavy chilling-out. Wish y'all a great weekend!

*Click on the picture to see it on Flickr or click here to see it in my LomoHome*

Sidsel T.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

1 comment:

  1. lovely photo! :) the colours are so lovely. i like the photo that the editor chose too! xx
