Diana Mini: Seaside Rush

So six months ago Bene and I went to the seaside. Which was absolutely great as it meant spending some time with one of my favorite people while doing some of the things I love the most in life. Like driving my car in the desert highway, eating out at my favorite grill restaurant, drinking some of the finest beers on my windy balcony while staring at a huge red moon reflecting on the dark sea at night, and then watching Clerks for the nth time and drinking some more icy Bud or Viru. And smoking too many cigarettes in between. As you can see from my shadow on her shoulderblade in the picture above. 

As I mentioned in this post, we only spent 20 hours there. Getting there at around 10pm, we could only go to the beach the next morning. The weather was just perfect for testing out some of my [then] newest toys, the Diana Mini and the Russia Day. So we hanged out a bit snapping some pics, bought some food and then went chilling out at the beach. 

I didn't take many pictures as I wished as it was such a fleeting visit, but I think you get the idea of how nice a place it is! Also, I've spent so much time here that I'm sort of used to its beauty.

I used Lomography x-pro slide 200 and [obviously] cross processed it. I really liked the film, even if my 1hour lab must use the oldest chemicals ever, as these pictures don't look cross-processed at all.

Wait a second: did they really cross-process it? I guess they did, I don't think they even know the difference between C-41 and E6!

I'm not much of a fan of the Diana, I guess it depends on the impossibility to process 120 around here,  and I now have mixed feelings about the Diana Mini.

I really love its size, its look, its weight, and the half frame format really comes in handy when you want to "pack light" and get 72 frames out of a 36 exposures roll. I would love to try the square format too, but my camera seems to be stuck on the half frame mode. 

The half frame mode can be quite tricky too. This picture above wasn't meant to be vertical at all, but I forgot about the hf-thing, so here it is, a sliced graffiti. My bad '-_-

It took me so long to get this roll processed because 72 shots can be too much sometimes. I guess I'm more of a 12 exposures-girl. That's the main reason to such a useless picture.

Occasionally this camera yelds strong vignetting... which I love!

Ok, maybe this is a bit too hardcore a vignette, but I like it anyway!

Bene aka my favorite model. This picture makes me wonder why we don't go there more often. I mean, that's some nice chilling out... gotta go back there asap, I guess. Weekends in the city: screw you.

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Holga 135BC: My favorite double exposure

Long time no see, right? I still have to get quite a lot of rolls developed, so I had to dig in my old shots, and there out came this one, which I particularly like, as I think it is my best... er, well, most decent, at least, double exposure so far. Taken in late July/early August 2010 at the seaside on Fuji Velvia 100. They're Vale [horizontal] and John [vertical]. So this was my only lucky moment with multiple exposures. Too bad.

Latest analogue news is Lomography published another article of mine, which is an attempt at reviewing my Sexy Lomo with the Funny Logo. Thanks to Mikahsupageek you can now read it French too: does it get any sexier than this?

Also, I've bought some amazing pro slide film expired in the 1990s... and made a few lab-rat experiments I'll be testing these next weeks [and most likely develop in 2057]. Wicked.

Coming up next: playing around with the crappy instant back of the Diana F+.

Have a great weekend!

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